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eC2: Online Counselling for youths – now open to all

Image of eC2: Online Counselling for youths – now open to all

eC2 is an online counselling service by Fei Yue Community Services for youths who require mental wellness support.  Our clients Miss J and Mr K shared with our counsellors the stress that they experienced in managing various personal challenges and the difficulties in keeping up with parental expectations.  These issues ranged from common issues such as exam stress and broken relationships to more complex issues such as depression, anxiety and even suicidal thoughts.

Case 1: Miss J was fearful and distressed when she first contacted eC2.  She was afraid that she was not going to do well in her exams, even though she had been trying her best. Miss J felt that she was not doing well compared to her peers and would fail to meet her parents’ expectations and let them down.  But after speaking with her eC2 counsellor, Miss J was gradually reassured that it was more important to give her best and not to compare with others.  Miss J’s counsellor also encouraged her to speak to her parents about the expectations that she perceived they had, and to share her concerns with them.

Case 2: Mr K first contacted eC2 before the Circuit Breaker was implemented, and had shared how the COVID-19 situation had caused much stress for him and his family.  His father was unable to return from overseas and was worried over the family business and livelihood.  His mother was worried about getting infected and asked Mr K not to attend school.  Mr K was concerned that this would affect his academic performance. He felt overwhelmed coping with both of his distressed parents. Mr K’s eC2 counsellor attended to his anxiety and stress by helping him to calm down and explore ways to manage his mother’s anxiety, his school tasks and help the family business.

In view of the current COVID-19 situation, we recognise that this challenging period can be particularly stressful for many. Hence, our online counselling service – provided free-of-charge – is now open to all Singaporeans who would like to receive support from our counsellors and trained volunteers.

Visit eC2.sg to connect with us

Operational hours:  Mondays to Fridays, 10am – 12pm & 2pm – 5pm.