Signposts Group Sessions

5 Weekly Group Sessions

Signpost for Building Better Behaviour is an evidence-based parent education programme that helps families develop strategies to manage or prevent difficult behaviours in children, including children with developmental needs. KK Women’s & Children’s Hospital Department of Child Development has run Signpost for many years and has trained social service practitioners to offer it in the community. Parents who attended it expressed greater confidence and satisfaction with managing their child and saw improvements in their child’s behaviour.

It is suitable for all parents of children aged 7 to 12 with developmental needs.

Signposts consists of 5 weekly group sessions with 2.5 hours per session on-site.  It provides parents with the opportunity to learn through observation, discussion, practice and feedback.   Education videos and workbook will be used in the sessions to engage parents and reinforce strategies.

Parents will learn how to encourage appropriate behaviour, teach children
new skills to replace difficult behaviours with useful behaviours.

Topics include:
• Understanding children’s behaviour
• Identifying strengths of your child and triggers for behaviour
• Learning strategies to reduce difficult behaviours and build appropriate behaviours
• Developing and implementing a planned activities routine
• Working with teachers to support your child

Workbook and accompanying DVD will be provided for each participant. Sessions are fully subsidised by the Ministry of Social and Family Development.

Simply fill up the form at to let us know of your interest or email to [email protected] and our team will get in touch with you as soon as we can!